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Date: 12/10/2024
Subject: 10 Dec 24 Issue
From: Jim Calvert - Voter Editor

Welcome New Citizens
Morning Help Needed

Greetings. If you're a voter-registration volunteer, please consider donating a few precious hours to one of the New Citizen ceremonies at Harrah's on December 11. It's the end of a busy year for Voter Registration--and a tribute to the generosity and public service that is the core of LWVKC. Please log in and use the Volunteer page on our website; reminder, you must be DEI trained by LWVKC. It should be a particularly joyful day.
Becky Yockey
Voter Services Chair

Upcoming Events
Legislative Action Committee Training

The Legislative Action Committee will be hosting a training session. This committee work provides a critical part of our mission, to hold our elected officials accountable by tracking legislation as it moves through our Capitol. If you are interested in joining this critical committee, be sure to sign up for the training here!
When: December 14, 2024 10:00 a.m.
Where: Kansas City Public Library, North East Branch, 6000 Wilson Ave
Zoom: here! (Meeting ID 814 5950 3277)

Committee Meetings

Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Committee Meeting
When: December 17, 2024 4:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom here! Meeting ID 810 3585 7136
Technology Committee Meeting
When: Canceled for December
Where: Zoom here! Meeting ID 833 9544 4641
Almost 150 members have been trained to interact with the public so get out there and volunteer. New opportunities are posted every day here!
LWVKC Calendar

New Member...Veteran Member...All Are Welcome!

Our next New Member Orientation will be held on Zoom, giving more people the opportunity to join us. If you are new to the League, or just want to hear about the different opportunities available for your volunteer time.
Registration is required, and may be found here!

Hosted by Laura Marcus Mountjoy

Membership Committee Chair 

Email Laura with questions here!

Registration Deadline! 
February 5, 2024 Deadline for February 5, 2024 Local Elections

A Call to Action 
The Leadership Academy wants YOU!

Every successful organization depends on good leadership. Most large organizations value quality leadership so much they develop training programs to ensure a steady supply of leaders grows within the organization. But for this process to succeed, people within the organization must be willing to step into these training programs with the goal of continually moving up within the organization. So…we need you to join our newly-created LWVKC Leadership Academy.

Want to read more? Click here!

Your contribution as a new leader will also bring fresh new ideas that every organization requires, both to keep up with changes in technology, and to provide competing perspectives of our path forward. Combined with other members of our first Leadership Academy cohort, you will help provide the foundation for our future success.
So, let us put our future in your hands by joining the Leadership Academy. Just contact League President Anne Calvert to get your name on the list.
Take care and stay safe.

Jim Calvert


Help Wanted 
Delegates Needed 
Help Represent the League at the National Convention 

The League of Women Voters’ National Convention will be held in Denver June 23 - June 26. The Kansas City League has two open delegate positions to fill. Delegates may attend in person or virtually, and may vote on League issues.

Our League has some funds set aside to help cover the costs associated with serving as a delegate.

Members interested in serving as a delegate should contact:

Anne Calvert


BTW, all members are welcome to attend the convention, either online or in person. More information may be found here!

We Want Your Blood 
A Poke and a Sting to Save a Life 

Calling for All Selfies 

Two agencies collect blood in Kansas City, The American Red Cross and The Community Blood Centers. Please consider providing this gift of life as one of your community service projects. The websites are listed below. 

The American Red Cross may be found here! 
The Community Blood Centers may be found here!

Suggestion Box
(It's Actually Working...Just Ask Anne)'s actually a form, but it is a form for suggestions with boxes to fill out

Do you have an idea for a future meeting topic or guest speaker? How about a great design for a “Get-out-the-vote” poster? Or maybe you’ve been wanting to present a Power Point on redistricting.

Now’s your chance!

Put a suggestion in our suggestion box and you just might have the next great idea that we will share with the state and national organizations. Then, you will be famous.

It all starts by filling out the form and submitting it to our suggestion box here!

To volunteer, join a committee, register for a special event, or view the Member Roster, please log in to your member account on our League website

  • Click on "Member Login" in the upper right corner of the website  The "Login" page will appear.
  • Enter your User Name and Password.  If you are on a device you own, check the box "Remember me on this computer" so it will remember your User Name and Password for next time.  Click the "Login" button.
  • Or, if you forgot your Username or Password, click the "Forgot my Username / Password" button on the "Login" page. The "Forgot Username/Password" box will appear.
  • Enter your email address and first name and click the "OK" button.Your Username and a temporary Password will be emailed to you. Be sure to use the email address you provided to the League!
Democracy looks like the League of Women Voters