Volunteering Opportunities
The Opportunity Listings page allows you to view the volunteering opportunities that are currently available.
You can filter the opportunities that you see by specifying one or more search values and clicking the "Search" button. The system will display matching opportunities.
If no search value is specified, all current opportunities will be displayed.
If there are more than 10 matching items, use the Paging controls to see additional pages.
Note: 'Spots Left' may include volunteers that are needed for some slots that are not visible to non-members. Login to see the full list of slots available.
Delivery of Flyers & Voter Guides to Senior Center
Starts: October 7, 2024
Finishes: October 9, 2024
18 Spots Left
Location: Pick up at Karin and Claude's home
Address: 3608 Locust St. Kansas City, MO 64109 United States of America
Available Slots
Date: 10/7/2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Delivery of GOTV Materials to Senior Centers
You will pick up the materials from 3608 Locust St. KCMO, choose the Senior Centers to deliver to that are located near you (from a list), and deliver the materials. No DEI/NP training necessary. You can pick up and deliver any time of day that suits you (the 10:00-12:00 is just to show it will take around 2 hours).
Required: 6
Assigned: 0
Date: 10/7/2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Delivery of GOTV Materials to Senior Centers
You will pick up the materials from 3608 Locust St. KCMO, choose the Senior Centers to deliver to that are located near you (from a list), and deliver the materials. No DEI/NP training necessary. You can pick up and deliver any time of day that suits you (the 10:00-12:00 is just to show it will take around 2 hours).
Required: 6
Assigned: 0
Date: 10/7/2024
Time: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Delivery of GOTV Materials to Senior Centers
You will pick up the materials from 3608 Locust St. KCMO, choose the Senior Centers to deliver to that are located near you (from a list), and deliver the materials. No DEI/NP training necessary. You can pick up and deliver any time of day that suits you (the 10:00-12:00 is just to show it will take around 2 hours).
Required: 6
Assigned: 0
We are delivering informational flyers and handouts to 90 Senior Centers in the greater KC metro area. Seniors need to know that the laws have changed about the ID they will need in order to vote; there are several ways to vote absentee; they can see the ballot ahead of time at Vote411 or read the Voter Guides; they can watch forums live or recorded on Youtube. We need volunteers to help deliver the flyers with this information. The locations are mapped out with the names and addresses and there are printed scripts for you to use when you deliver the materials. We need to get these out in the next 5 days so that they have time to get the correct ID or request ballots through the mail. (Sept. 28 - Oct. 3) The flyers and handouts are at my house, 3608 Locust St., KCMO 64109. Please call Karin Page 816-853-4460 or email GOTV@LWVKC.ORG to volunteer. Thank you!!
Voter Guide Distribution on Independence Ave. - Op
Starts: October 8, 2024
Finishes: October 8, 2024
Location: Rincon Hondureno Restaurant
Address: 5930 Wilson Ave. Kansas City, MO 64123 United States of America
Available Slots
Date: 10/8/2024
Time: 11:30 AM - 02:00 PM
Delivery of GOTV materials
We will work in groups of two, going to businesses highlighted on your map along Independence Ave. We'll start with a quick lunch at 11:30 at Rincon Hondureno, receive instructions and all your materials and then head out by car to the businesses on our maps. We'll meet back at 1:50 in the parking lot and turn in our supplies and debrief. If you are not a League member, wear identification for your organization.
Required: 12
Assigned: 0
Join us in delivering GOTV materials to businesses along Independence Avenue. This is an area within several precincts with low voter turnout, so we can make a big difference! We will meet first at Rincon Hondureno at 11:00 for a delicious lunch and instructions. Afterwards you'll divide into groups of two and receive your VoterGuides, GOTV flyers, Vote411 cards, tape, push-pins, instructions, and highlighted maps. You will go (by car) to businesses along Independence Avenue and visit the businesses on your map. We will reconvene at 2:00 at the restaurant parking lot to return supplies back and debrief. If you are a volunteer in a partner organization, please identify your organization in the space next to your Last Name.
Voter Guide Distribution on Troost Ave. - Open to
Starts: October 9, 2024
Finishes: October 9, 2024
8 Spots Left
Location: The Combine
Address: 2999 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO 64108 United States of America
Available Slots
Date: 10/9/2024
Time: 11:30 AM - 02:00 PM
Delivery of GOTV materials
We will work in groups of two, going to businesses highlighted on your map along Troost Ave. We'll start with a quick lunch at 11:30 at The Combine, receive instructions and all your materials and then head out by car to the businesses on our maps. We'll meet back at 1:50 in the parking lot and turn in our supplies and debrief. If you are not a League member, wear identification for your organization.
Required: 12
Assigned: 4
Join us in delivering GOTV materials to businesses along Troost Avenue. This is an area within several precincts with low voter turnout, so we can make a big difference! We will meet first at The Combine at 11:30 for a delicious lunch and instructions. Afterwards you'll divide into groups of two and receive your VoterGuides, GOTV flyers, Vote411 cards, tape, push-pins, instructions, and highlighted maps. You will go (by car) to businesses along Troost Avenue and visit the businesses on your map. We will reconvene at 2:00 at the restaurant parking lot to return supplies back and debrief. If you are a partner organization with the League, please identify yourself when you sign up (you can put your organization in the space for your Last Name).
Voter Reg at New Citizens/Plaza Library
Starts: October 16, 2024
Finishes: October 16, 2024
Available to Members only
Location: Plaza Library
Address: 4801 Main Street Kansas City, MO 64112 United States of America
Available Slots
Date: 10/16/2024
Time: 09:50 AM - 11:30 AM
Voter Registration Volunteer
Help us register voters after another inspiring
New Citizens ceremony. We'll be near the lower-level auditorium. Free parking nearby. Ceremony starts at 10am.
Required: 10
Assigned: 1
We're gearing up for another inspiring event, this time at the Plaza Library.
In the past, these ceremonies have been held in the auditorium in the
lower level. Generally, we offer voter reg when the ceremony is dismissed.
We'll also have vote411, swag, treats, etc.
Adopt-A-Poll November 5, 2024
Starts: November 5, 2024
Finishes: November 5, 2024
Spots available for members only
Location: KCEB assigns the polling location just prior to election day.
Address: -1 United States of America
Available Slots
Date: 11/5/2024
Time: 05:00 AM - 07:30 PM
Adopt-A-Poll Election Judge
League members can earn up to $300 for LWVKC by serving as an election judge for KCEB. Two-hour training session will be scheduled before Election Day. Details and required forms are available on the Adopt-a-Poll page under Voting and Elections. Submit completed forms to Sandy Eeds by Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
Required: 20
Assigned: 3
Earn money for the League by working as an election judge with the Kansas City Election Board. Go to the Adopt-a-Poll webpage (under Voting and Elections) for details. Please submit paperwork by Tuesday, October 1,.