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HomeMonthly Programs

Monthly Programs

The League has a rich history of speakers at our meetings. In recent years topics  have included environmental issues, money in politics, access to health care and related reform, local and regional ballot issues, violence in our community, journalism and electoral politics.

All meetings are free and are open to the public.  Registration is not required.   Meetings are available via Zoom. Go to the  League calendar   to learn about the meeting topic and options for attending.  

Visit LWVKC's YouTube Channel to view recordings of past meetings. 

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Monthly Meetings


What Members are Saying

"I attended a panel on voter rights issues hosted by the Women's Equality Coalition and the League of Women Voters.  It was such a fabulous event that I decided to check out the LWV's next monthly meeting.  There was an enlightening  speaker along with information about interesting upcoming events. I regret not checking out the LWV years ago!"

"I still remember the meeting where two representatives from the General Assembly - one Republican and one Democrat - reviewed what had happened in the last legislative session.  Lots and lots of good information, but what struck me was the collegiality and even warmth between the two House members.  A perfect fit for the League."  

"I am not a meeting person and usually have to drag myself out of bed to attend, but I always come away knowing something I didn't know before; often something I didn't even know I needed to know. I feel like a better citizen when I go to the meetings with these enthusiastic, involved people. I come away informed, energized and ready to go out and make our world a better place! "

Special Meetings

Three meetings during the year are designated for special purposes. 
January - Members meet to decide which League positions we want LWV Missouri to consider as it determines its priorities for the upcoming year and to discuss the need for updates to the current local adopted positions.    

May League members meet to elect the new Board of Directors, approve the budget, and take care of other League business that require a vote of the membership. 

December - The League celebrates the holiday season at its December monthly meeting with a traditional holiday meal.

Holiday luncheon